For Immediate Release
Top 9 Proactive Steps To Implementing Rubachem Scam Insurance
1. Most important is the education all maintenance staff, jobsite superintendents and field officers on company buying policies. It is imperative to train employees on procurement policies.
2. Those who are not authorized should be aware that the home office will never refer a vendor to directly contact them.
3. Train staff in how to respond to suppliers.
4. Advise employees who are not authorized to order goods and services to say, "I'm not authorized to place orders. If you want to sell us something, you must speak to [NAME]."
5. Implement a purchase order system and strictly adhere to it.
6. Inform all workers in the field and delivery personnel not to accept any shipment unless it corresponds to a valid purchase order.
7. Authorized purchasers should always ask vendors for the total price, terms of payment, and return policy.
8. Companies are urged to set up a rock-solid vendor verification program.
9. Accounts payable is in the best position to analyze vendors. Most accounts payable programs have available Vendor Master Data Forms.
According to Rubachem"s Customer Service Director Christian Webb, "It is always best to deal with companies that you know."
For more information, contact:
Jason Rubach
Northvale, NJ 07647
PHONE. 800-548-3285 or 201-767-7900